CellStrongi - “What’s happening ? It’s evening and still I feel so energetic !!”
CellWellnexD- “That’s exactly I’m also wondering. I feel so alive and young !”

They continued chatting …”You know last week by this time in the evening we lost so many of our friends. Morning it Started with a blast off of fighting for time and cursing on the roads to reach office where the whistle of cooker was ready to blast. At the organization I had to manoeuvre through the bulldozing emails and Noises of entities (bosses and colleagues). Overthinking and super fight against time and got me an overdose of Guilt, fear, jealousy and what not….The vibration was preset, and I got more and eventually lost many of my close Cell AB, CellSmily, CellShine…
“Today is LOVELY ! the day started with Anapanasati meditation. The power of Observing natural normal in-breath and out-breath did the magic. Also our weekly hurdle meeting started with a simple 5 minutes of meditation. I could just BE. And wow the meeting tone was set, energy was blasting through me and I could light up the whole world with fresh energy n ideas n life. Abundance it was and so were Dopamine, serotonin, endorphins, and oxytocin. What's happening to us?” Said CellStrongi
“Yes same, same, same.” - Cells hummed unanimously.

Collectively when we meditate harmony paves in and efficiency increases in every act. CEO gains immense clarity and leads all towards achieving organisational goals.
Corporates encourage their employees group meetings to start with a short meditation. Schools have a 15 min daily. The science behind this has directly got them many improvements. BUDHA CEO has a structured program for in person group sessions in the campus and also 41/21 days online programs. Millions of lives have been transferred and spreading till the whole planet is one.
Every CEO is a Buddha, as CEO is to supposed to know everything of everything. Only through Meditation you can know Everything of Everything.
How can you improve in the work you choose to do? The answer is Only Through Meditation — Brahmarshi Patriji